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Exiora Law Firm supported the competition of scientific works on private law “Condicio iuris” 2021-2022
With the support of Exiora, the fourth competition of scientific research on private law "Condicio iuris" was held. Similar competitions of the previous three years also received support from the Law Firm.
16 June 2022
Exiora’s lawyers defended the interests of the international oilfield service company ERIELL in the case of challenging the transaction
Exiora's lawyers in the framework of the bankruptcy case proved the good faith of Eriell Neftegazservis Ltd. in declaring the transaction of the debtor of YAMAL PETROSERVICE Ltd. invalid.
31 May 2022
Yury Sbitnev, partner at Exiora Law Firm, took part in the round table “Soft and Hard Skills in the professional activity of a lawyer”
As an invited speaker at the round table "Soft and Hard Skills in the Professional Activity of a Lawyer", Yuri Sbitnev, partner of Exiora Law Firm, told novice specialists about the peculiarities of starting a career as a practicing lawyer.
28 April 2022
Exiora’s lawyers have achieved the application of interim measures in the amount exceeding 1.2 billion rubles.
Exiora's lawyers managed to achieve the application of interim measures in the form of arrest of property of receivers who committed systematic violations of the Bankruptcy Law, which caused losses to the bankruptcy estate.
01 April 2022
Exiora Law Firm supported the publication of #Gloss’s commentary on the fulfillment and termination of obligations
With the support of Exiora Law Firm and a number of leading law firms, at the end of December 2021, a new volume of the #Glossa series of comments on civil law: “Fulfillment and termination of obligations” was published: a commentary on articles 307-328 and 407-419 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is intended to clarify the issues of application of the general provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the fulfillment and termination of an obligation.
14 January 2022
Exiora’s lawyers collected 56 million rubles from the ex-director for losses in the bankruptcy case of Pribor-Kontrol JSC
As part of the bankruptcy of the defense enterprise Pribor-Kontrol JSC (case No. А41-52201 / 2018), Exiora's lawyers revealed the fact that the former CEO had caused losses as a result of the loss of fixed assets and inventory items of the debtor.
14 October 2021
Exiora Law Firm supported the III competition of scientific articles on private law “Condicio iuris”
In May 2021, the winners of the third private law competition “Condicio iuris” were announced, which was held with the support, among other things, of the Exiora Law Firm.
21 June 2021
Yury Sbitnev, partner at Exiora, spoke at the conference of the Lawyer of the Company magazine on guarantee issues
Yuri Sbitnev, partner of Exiora Law Firm, at an online conference organized by the company's Lawyer, spoke about the main changes made in December 2020 to the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation regarding suretyship.
10 April 2021
Yury Sbitnev, partner of Exiora Law Firm, spoke at the conference of the Lawyer of the Company magazine on the issues of termination of obligations
In September, Yuri Sbitnev took part in the online conference of the Lawyer of the Company magazine, where he gave clarifications regarding the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2020 No. 6 “On some issues of applying the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on termination of obligations”.
09 October 2020
Eight persons were released from subsidiary liability based on the results of the work of the lawyers of “Exiora”
The lawyers of "Exiora" managed to release from subsidiary liability eight persons controlling the debtor for the obligations of the bankrupt LLC "Cascade Construction".
01 October 2020
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