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Partners of Exiora Law Firm delivered a presentation on the Third Games Industry Law Summit, Vilnius, Lithuania
On April 27, 2017, within the framework of the Third Games Industry Law Summit, Vilnius, Lithuania, Aleksey Moroz and Yuriy Sbitnev, partners of Exiora Law Firm, delivered a presentation dedicated to protection of rights of online games producers necessitated by the spread of software allowing to obtain in-game benefits without actual involvement of a player (robot software).
05 May 2017
Lawyers of Exiora Law Firm Win in the Supreme Court of Russia
On April 4, 2016 the Economic Panel with the Supreme Court of Russia reversed judgments issued in the dispute between Metalloinvest LLC and VEB-Leasing concerning repayment of monies remitted under leasing contracts.
10 April 2017
Rospatent registered the logo and name of “Exiora” Law Firm as a trademark (service mark)
The logo and name of "Exiora" Law Firm have been registered as a trademark (service mark) which fact is evidenced by a trademark certificate No. 607582 dated 03.03.2017 issued the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Pospatent).
03 April 2017
Aleksey Moroz, Managing Partner, Exiora Law Firm, has delivered a report at a scientific and practical conference “Vicarious Liability in Bankruptcy Cases” staged by the Research Center of Private Law named after S.S. Alekseyev under the President of the Russian Federation
Aleksey Moroz, Managing Partner, Exiora Law Firm, reported on the currently existing practice of holding management companies vicariously liable. In his report, he focused on the overall number of such cases heard by courts, the percentage of satisfied claims and also touched upon certain practical issues related to holding management companies vicariously liable for a debtor’s obligations.
31 March 2017
The lawyers of Exiora Law Firm managed to cancel court orders on disqualification of the debtor’s receiver
The lawyers of Exiora Law Firm managed to cancel court orders on disqualification of the debtor’s receiver Upon a complaint filed by one of bankruptcy creditors, Moscow City Arbitration Court disqualified the debtor’s receiver by referring to violations committed by him which resulted in losses in the form of increased bankruptcy related expenses. The 9th...
18 January 2017
Nikolay Andrianov, a partner of Exiora Law Firm, has delivered a lecture on the practice pertaining to resolution of construction contract related disputes in M-Logos Law School
Nikolay Andrianov, a partner of Exiora Law Firm, has delivered a lecture on the practice pertaining to resolution of construction contract related disputes in M-Logos Law School Within the framework of an online professional development training course arranged by M-Logos Law School, Nikolay Andrianov delivered a lecture on topical issues in the area of construction...
22 November 2016
Participants of the 6th German-Russian Economic Congress and the 9th Law in Russia Investment Conference sponsored by Exiora Law Firm and staged in Berlin discussed the specifics of doing business in Russia
Aleksey Moroz, the Managing Partner, and Yuriy Sbitnev, Partner of Exiora Law Firm, attended the 6th German-Russian Economic Congress and the 9th Law in Russia Investment Conference staged on October 06, 2016, in Berlin.
12 October 2016
Exiora Law Firm to become partner of the 6th German-Russian Economic Congress
The events will revolve round the economic downturn in Russia, protecting and financing businesses when under sanctions, development trends and prospects across various industry sectors and latest amendments introduced to Russian laws.
02 September 2016
Uberization as a trend of today’s economy
Alexey Moroz, Managing Partner of Exiora Law Firm, on whether this trend can evolve on the market of legal services, on pages of “Economy and Life” special publication.
25 August 2016
What happens to guarantee withholdings under a construction contract if either party goes bankrupt is featured in the August edition of “Commercial Arbitration Practice” publication.
Possible scenarios of what happens to guarantee withholdings, should the customer or contractor goes bankrupt: the current court practice summarized by Nikolay Andrianov.
01 August 2016
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