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Supported by Exiora Law Firm, the third volume from the #Glossa series of commentaries to civil legislation on inheritance law was made available for free
We are happy to inform you that Exiora Law Firm, in collaboration with M-Logos Law Institute and its other enthusiastic colleagues, continues to implement the “knowledge sharing” policy. This time, thanks to joint efforts, the third volume from the #Glossa series of commentaries to civil legislation on inheritance law edited by Е.Yu. Petrov was made...
15 October 2018
Alexey Moroz took part in the preparation of a review of the legal positions of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on private law issues for 2017-2018.
One of the authors of the new book “Legal Positions of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on Private Law Issues”, Issue No. 2 (April 2017 - August 2018) is Alexey Moroz, Managing Partner of Exiora Law Firm.
25 August 2018
Exiora Law Firm defended an ex-General Manager from being held vicariously liable for the total amount of 3 bln RUB
Exiora Law Firm succeeded in defending an ex-General Manager from being held vicariously liable for the total amount of 3 bln RUB Within the framework of two bankruptcy cases involving National Construction Corporation CJSC (Case No. А41-24723/2014) and AvtoMetanService LLC (Case No. А14-6754/2015), the team of Exiora Law Firm’s lawyers succeeded in defending the interests...
30 May 2018
Lawyers of Exiora succeeded in challenging a transaction for 300 mln RUR within a debtor’s bankruptcy case
Lawyers of Exiora Law Firm succeeded in challenging a transaction for 300 mln RUR within a debtor’s bankruptcy case Within the framework of a case involving a creditor challenging a series of transactions made by a debtor, the team of lawyers with Exiora Law Firm led by Yuriy Sbitnev, Partner, succeeded in defending the interests...
15 May 2018
Aleksey Moroz, Managing Partner, Exiora Law Firm, delivered a talk at the Lextorium workshop dedicated to the practice of applying new provisions of the Bankruptcy Law related to vicarious liability.
In the context of a workshop arranged by, Aleksey Moroz delivered a lecture on hot issues related to application of a newly introduced Chapter III.2 of the Bankruptcy Law and interpretation of clarifications of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on matters of holding parties which control a debtor vicariously liable.
12 April 2018
Exiora Law Firm in collaboration with M-Logos Law Institute issued the 14th Regulatory Environment for Bankruptcies News Digest
(Русский) АБ "Эксиора" совместно с Юридическим институтом "М-Логос" подготовили 14-й выпуск дайджеста новостей правового регулирования банкротства. В дайджесте собраны наиболее актуальные новости из области российского и зарубежного правового регулирования банкротства, обзоры законопроектов, судебной практики, новинок российской и зарубежной юридической литературы.
06 February 2018
Lawyers of Exiora Law Firm succeeded in overturning judgments to collect 80 mln rubles from its client as compensation of environmental damage
Lawyers of Exiora Law Firm succeeded in overturning judgments to collect 80 mln rubles from its client as compensation of environmental damage A regional ministry for environmental protection brought an action for damages with a commercial arbitration court against a client of the Law Firm in the amount of 80 mln RUR as compensation of environmental...
11 January 2018
Exiora Law Firm listed in
It has been the first time Exiora Law Firm competed in Russia’s most reputable law firm ratings and has been listed in all the three categories which are its areas of expertise: “Bankruptcies”, “Commercial Arbitration Proceedings”, “Non-residential Real Estate /construction”. We would like to express our gratitude towards our clients for their trust, exciting and...
18 December 2017
Exiora Law Firm ranked in IFLR1000
Exiora Law Firm has been ranked by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000) in the Restructuring and Insolvency section.
23 October 2017
Exiora Law Firm succeeded in obtaining accreditation with the Association of Insolvency Practitioners of the Central Federal District
On May 23, 2017, Exiora Law Firm was accredited with the Association “Self-regulatory Organization of Insolvency Practitioners of the Central Federal District” (PAU TsFO) and registered as an accredited organization rendering services of insolvency practitioners in bankruptcy proceedings.
19 June 2017
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