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News digest of legal regulation of bankruptcy (September-October 2019). Issue №24
The most up-to-date legal news from the field of Russian and foreign legal regulation of bankruptcy, including reviews of news on lawmaking and by-law regulation, judicial practice, information about high-profile bankruptcies, novelties of Russian and foreign legal literature.
15 November 2019
News digest of legal regulation of bankruptcy (May-August 2019). Issue №23
The most up-to-date legal news from the field of Russian and foreign legal regulation of bankruptcy, including reviews of news on lawmaking and by-law regulation, judicial practice, information about high-profile bankruptcies, novelties of Russian and foreign legal literature.
26 September 2019
Alexey Moroz, Managing Partner of Exiora Law Firm, became a co-author of the 3rd edition of the review of the legal positions of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on Private Law
Alexei Moroz, Managing Partner at Exiora Law Office, joined the working group for the preparation of the third review of the legal positions of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on private law for the period September 2018 - August 2019.
15 August 2019
Subsidiary liability: new positions of courts in 2019
The courts are increasingly bringing executives to vicarious liability for company debts. New approaches that will help collect debts from the director are in the article.
27 July 2019
News digest of legal regulation of bankruptcy (March-April 2019). Issue №22
The most up-to-date legal news from the field of Russian and foreign legal regulation of bankruptcy, including reviews of news on lawmaking and by-law regulation, judicial practice, information about high-profile bankruptcies, novelties of Russian and foreign legal literature.
22 May 2019
News digest of legal regulation of bankruptcy (January-February 2019). Issue №21
The most up-to-date legal news from the field of Russian and foreign legal regulation of bankruptcy, including reviews of news on lawmaking and by-law regulation, judicial practice, information about high-profile bankruptcies, novelties of Russian and foreign legal literature.
09 March 2019
Vicarious liability: the practice of the Supreme Court in 2018
In 2018, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation repeatedly addressed the most difficult issues, which on the one hand were not reflected in the Decision No. 53, and on the other - caused the greatest difficulties in judicial practice. We have collected the most interesting cases in this review.
20 February 2019
News digest of legal regulation of bankruptcy (November-December 2018). Issue №20
The latest legal news from the field of Russian and foreign legal regulation of bankruptcy, including reviews of news on lawmaking and by-laws, judicial practice, information about high-profile bankruptcies, new Russian and foreign legal literature.
09 January 2019
The Supreme Court’s commentaries on 8 issues related to suretyship
Providing suretyship is one of the commonest means to secure performance of an obligation. Courts are not always unanimous in interpreting terms and conditions of suretyship agreements, their duration, legal means of protecting rights of sureties and creditors. Over the recent years, court practice has been established which will help lawyers to resolve contentious matters pertaining to a suretyship agreement.
14 November 2018
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on assignment of rights and transfer of debts: key points
On December 21, 2017, the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution № 54 clarifying the rules for application of the provisions of the Russian Civil Code on novation on a contractual basis. Below are the key points worth mentioning.
12 March 2018
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