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When the usual documents that the company receives in connection with the contract, the court will interpret in a new way
From the article you will learn how to confirm agreements with the counterparty using the minutes of the meeting, and two more approaches of the courts to the documents that the parties draw up during and after the execution of the transaction.
07 June 2022
The counterparty does not fulfill the contract. What to do if you haven’t lost interest in the deal
You will learn from the article: what to negotiate with a counterparty who violates deadlines, does not fulfill obligations or does it improperly.
27 May 2022
Settlement agreement in the bankruptcy case. What conditions are at risk
It is often more profitable to conclude an amicable agreement with the debtor than to wait for the sale of his property. But the court does not always support the agreements of the parties. How to reduce the risk of court refusal - in the article.
20 May 2022
Conditions that now need to be included in the contract, even if the sanctions did not affect your company
The article contains conditions that now need to be included in contracts due to new requirements due to the current situation, as well as those that will help withdraw from the contract, suspend execution or be exempt from fines and penalties with reference to a change in the situation due to sanctions. You can use all the conditions from the article or choose a few: use the wording and explanations for them to set up the contract for different counterparties.
12 May 2022
The right to a single dwelling has priority over the claims of the bank’s creditors. The new position of the Constitutional Court
The Constitutional Court defended the interests of the buyer, who was forced to return the apartment to the bank, since the transaction was made during a period of suspicion. The conclusions of the court and the analysis of the consequences of this approach are in the article.
02 May 2022
How to change the terms of the assignment agreement in favor of the company
The article provides recommendations to redistribute contractual risks depending on whether you concede or receive claims.
28 March 2022
The parties have counterclaims. Five rules to pay off both debts without repayments
When a company is both a debtor and a creditor in relation to a counterparty, it is easiest to settle claims by offset or netting. In what cases it will succeed and what to take into account, if you want to avoid disputes and unnecessary settlements with counterparties, you will learn from the article.
10 February 2022
Delivery contract-2022: five new points to protect the buyer
The lawyer told about five new clauses of the delivery contract in defense of the buyer, taking into account judicial practice over the past year. Read what conditions should be taken into account when drawing up a contract in 2022.
25 January 2022
Clauses in the contract that will protect the company from claims of third parties
What conditions to add to the contract in order to recover from the counterparty losses or losses of the company due to claims of third parties, read in the article.
20 December 2021
Non-equivalent transactions. How courts determine the unequal value of counter performance
The deviation of the terms of the transaction from the market ones is a key marker for challenging it. The article contains circumstances that will indicate to the court the unequal value of counter execution, and a table with price deviation indicators.
27 November 2021
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