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Anna Sidorova, a lawyer at Exiora Law Firm, assessed the amendments concerning the procedure for using an electronic signature
In early August, with some exceptions, amendments to the legislation on electronic signature (hereinafter referred to as the EP) came into force. Anna Sidorova, a lawyer at the Exiora Law Firm, among other experts, commented on the adopted changes for the EZH Lawyer.
24 August 2023
Yury Sbitnev, partner at Exiora Law Firm, commented on the new decision of the Supreme Court on interim measures
Commentary on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of June 1, 2023 № 15 “On Certain Issues of the Courts Taking Measures to Secure a Claim, Interim Measures and Measures of Preliminary Protection”
11 August 2023
Application of the construction of a petition for disagreements in bankruptcy and controversial cases
In the material, we will consider the features of the application of the construction of a petition for disagreements in bankruptcy using examples from judicial practice in accordance with part 1 of Article 60 of the Bankruptcy Law.
09 August 2023
Challenging a major deal in a corporate conflict: what nuances can there be
The company appealed to the arbitration court in the interests of the company with demands for invalidation of the transaction on the transfer of movable property to the authorized capital, the reclamation of property from someone else's illegal possession in favor of the company, referring to the illegal alienation of property owned by the company in the context of a corporate conflict. What is remarkable about the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in this case?
25 July 2023
The partner of the Exiora Law Firm Yuri Sbitnev commented on amendments to the Federal Law on LLC regarding the determination of the size of the actual value of the share
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has prepared two bills that amend Articles 14, 23 and 25 of the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" and Article 67 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and relate to the rules for determining the size of the actual value of the share of the exited participant. The partner of the Exiora Law Firm, Yuri Sbitnev assessed the impact on judicial practice in case of adoption of changes.
14 July 2023
Abuse of the manager at the auction. When can he be prosecuted
The article contains four typical violations in the sale of the debtor's property, which are allowed by managers, and ways to deal with them.
07 July 2023
Legal force of the letter of guarantee
In many ways, business relations are based not only on signed contracts, but also on promises to perform certain actions: the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services. In confirmation, an additional agreement to the current contract, a receipt or a letter of guarantee can be drawn up, the issuance of which may have various legal consequences.
27 June 2023
Recognition of the right as absent in real estate disputes: judicial practice and procedural features
Claims for the recognition of a right as missing perform two functions at the same time: on the one hand, they protect the violated rights of the owner of the property, and on the other hand, they eliminate errors by correcting the information of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, introduce legal certainty and prevent inconsistencies in the information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate .
26 June 2023
Yuri Sbitnev, Partner at Exiora Law Firm, commented on Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation №307-ES22-26731 dated May 3, 2023
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation figured out whether the fact of voting at a meeting of creditors can indicate agreement with the changes to all the terms of the contract.
15 June 2023
A third party made a transaction at the expense of the debtor’s property. How to challenge it
The article describes three steps of an applicant who plans to challenge a third–party transaction in bankruptcy. The subject of proof in such a claim is broader than in the situation of the classic dispute of the debtor's transactions.
10 June 2023
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