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Contractor’s good faith and payment for works performed in the absence of a state procurement contract
Comments to Ruling by the Supreme Court of Russia No. 302-ЭС15-17338
16 June 2016
Unauthorized constructions: dynamics
An opinion has formed in the legal profession that general courts tend to exercise a milder approach to issues related to unauthorized constructions as compared to commercial arbitration court practice.
20 May 2016
Using subcontractors when structuring a capital construction deal
Using subcontractors when structuring a capital construction deal is a widely spread practice: it is extremely rare that projects, particularly technologically intensive ones, are implemented by engaging a single contractor.
15 May 2016
The customer has claims as to the quality of works. How not to make a mistake when selecting a remedy?
From a legal standpoint, if the customer reveals defects in the works performed by the contractor, it has a number of remedies available. How to select the most efficient one?
11 April 2016
Issues related to qualifying contractual relations of parties to an investment project in the area of capital construction
Implementation of investment projects in capital construction typically presupposes involvement of a wide range of participants, which, in turn, necessitates designing a complicated structure of contractual relations among them.
04 April 2016
Recovering an unjustified enrichment for provision of services in the absence of a state procurement contract
Comments to Ruling of the Supreme Court of Russia of 21.01.2015 in Case No. А77-602/2013
02 March 2016
The claimant files a claim prematurely. When to re-file?
In court practice, there are situations when a claim is dismissed due to its premature filing.
25 February 2016
Revocation of plot plan and construction permit.
Comments to Ruling by the Judicial Board for Commercial disputes with the Supreme Court of Russia dated 10.02.2015 No. 305-КГ14-2820.
11 February 2016
Supreme Court vs Supreme Commercial Arbitration Court: a preliminary agreement and earnest money
Is it possible to secure the obligations arising from a preliminary agreement by earnest money?
02 February 2016
Who is to pay for extra works?
Disputes over recovery of the cost of works performed under a construction contract are numerous and various. Most often the parties cannot agree on who is to pay for works which are not provided for when entering into the contract, but arise in the course of construction. On whom is the burden of paying for extra costs, the customer or the contractor?
28 January 2016
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