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The official receiver has not challenged the debtor’s transactions. When you have the right to recover damages?
If the official receiver has not challenged the debtor's transactions, this is a reason to recover damages from him. Courts quite often take the side of the creditor in such cases. How to bring the official receiver to responsibility - in the article published by managing partner Alexey Moroz
12 February 2019
Preemptive right to conclude a contract. Checklist for the tenant
The tenant has the pre-emptive right to conclude a lease agreement for a new term. But it is not always possible to realize this right: a number of conditions must be met. Which - read the article.
05 February 2019
How to recover a debt when a counteragent has no funds to pay from
A counteragent owes you money, but it does not pay and refers to lack of funds to pay from. You may file a lawsuit and win the case, however, it does not mean that you company will recover the debt owed. The opposite scenario is more likely, and in the course of the trial the counteragent will be able to withdraw the remaining assets. Read on what you offer to the counteragent to pay back the debt without having to resort to court proceedings.
30 January 2019
Extra works performed under a construction contract: how the customer can prove any absence of grounds to pay for such works
Often in the course of construction a need arises to perform works which are not covered by the construction contract. The law allows for a possibility to perform extra works. If and when such works are subject to payment is explained in an article written by Daria Nyukhalkina.
26 December 2018
An expert examination is appointed in a dispute arising from a construction contract: how to challenge an unfavorable expert opinion
An expert examination may be a deciding factor for the court in a construction related dispute. We will tell you how to challenge an unfavorable expert opinion.
29 November 2018
What does a creditor do if a debtor sells its property before execution is levied on it?
Often unscrupulous debtors attempt to make recovery proceedings impossible. For instance, they may sell the property which could serve to recover the debt. In such cases the creditor may employ several tools to return the assets withdrawn.
10 October 2018
What issues may arise when terminating a construction contract and how to resolve them
It is not always the case that a construction contract is finalized with acceptance of a completed project. Often there are situations where the construction contract is terminated by either the customer or the contractor on certain grounds. What are these grounds and what is to be done by the parties if they arise?
28 August 2018
Shady transactions and arm’s length dealings: which is which?
Parties frequently have to face certain issues when challenging transactions based on special grounds provided by bankruptcy laws. In her article, Tatiana Ivanova considers specifics of such dealings.
01 August 2018
How to protect a weaker party to a public contract
Both parties to a public contract should be aware of the most common abuses that are there and how to protect yourself from them. Read on how to proceed if your counteragent does not act in good faith.
20 July 2018
The Supreme Court reminded of the freedom of contract. What contractual terms are now held by courts as valid
Over the recent years, the court practice has been towards upholding the validity of a number of contractual terms which previously tended to be invalidated by courts. Now, even if a contract contains non-standard terms, you may count on courts to provide the protection you need.
12 July 2018
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