The team of the Exiora Law Firm protected the Principal from subsidiary liability for a total amount of more than 10 billion rubles

At the end of September 2022, the team of the Exiora law firm won the case on bringing the persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability as part of the bankruptcy of Ivolga-Center LLC (case № A35-4071 / 2015). The company was part of a large agricultural holding, which was engaged in the cultivation and processing of grain, sugar beets and other crops in the Kursk region.

The principal, by virtue of his indirect participation in the authorized capital of the debtor, was held liable for the company’s debts, the total amount of which exceeded 10,156,897,390 rubles.

Exiora’s lawyers managed to prove the absence of unfair actions on the part of the Principal, in particular, the loss of property, the illegal withdrawal of assets in favor of third parties, the destruction of primary and accounting documentation, etc., as well as the omission of the limitation period, which is an independent basis to refuse to meet the stated requirements.

Due to efficient work, Exiora Law Firm successfully defended the interests of the Principal, achieving a complete refusal to satisfy the requirements to him.